Monthly Archives: June 2018

Consultation overload

Over the past month, we have lodged a submission to the Inquiry into Nature in Our City, another on the DA for the Mr Fluffy block on the corner of Southwell and Davis Streets, Weetangera, seeking approval for three dwellings, and a third DA for three dwellings on the corner of Springvale Drive and Belconnen Way, Weetangera.  We have received the Notice of Decision for 150 Belconnen Way, Scullin (revised plans) and the accompanying Notice of Decision for the lease variation.  These approved five dwellings on this RZ1 block.  Yesterday, we had a meeting with ACTPLA to discuss the Scullin decisions and the proposed Draft Variation 350.  This latter deals with the definition of the type of block at 150 Belconnen Way and 1 Petterd St, Page with a view to minimising the amount of densification permitted on such random blocks that were not specifically designated at any time for greater densification than their neighbours.